
Concrete Calculation

Conveying capacity, is transported in unit time the volume of concrete. The calculation methods are mainly the following three: a. Energy conservation principles concrete mixing machine in the given concrete pump power, the amount of concrete and concrete pumping pressure is the product of a certain value
Conveying capacity, necessarily much higher than the actual throughput of concrete. b. according to concrete delivery cylinder volume and piston velocity calculation conveying capacity can also be used concrete pump piston cylinder volume and calculated as the product. c. according to the amount of concrete hydraulic oil can also be concrete block making machine to the following formula to calculate the hydraulic oil. d. concrete pump discharge amount of fuel, the engine power relations conveying capacity and engine power, pump displacement, concrete cylinder diameter, piston speed is proportional. Conveying capacity and pumping distance, pumping pressure is inversely proportional to the hydraulic cylinder diameter, etc..

pumping capacity index calculation

Concrete pump trapped with constant power regulation, so concrete pump working pressure of the outlet end of pumping concrete and cement mixing machine of the actual maximum throughput is a certain value, this value is called the pumping capacity index, denoted by M. It is a measure of the ability of a concrete pumping integrated indicators, but also concrete pump main basis for classification.
Concrete block machine same power different concrete pump, its pumping capacity index identical; ② in concrete pumping pressure is constant, the amount of concrete surface increases with the increase of power; ③ In the dynamic power is fixed, with the pressure pumping concrete increases, the amount of concrete decreases, and vice versa.

Actual construction of concrete pumps

In construction machinery, most mechanical properties can be from the production plant to provide product samples or technical specifications and other data found, they are listed in performance, mostly in line with the actual use. Asphalt Mixing Plant, concrete pump, production performance provided by the Antiquities China, mostly theoretical value or maximum value, a larger difference compared with the actual use of the reason, as the actual performance with its pumped medium, pumping concrete traits, use of the environment, steel cement silo, pipeline installation and layout and the use of manipulation associated with it. 

displacement and maximum transmission distance of the relationship between

In our country from Japan Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries PTF75BZ concrete pump concrete block machine. Its displacement and output
Delivery pressure (transport distance) relationship shown in Figure 3-12. When the displacement increases, the output of the pressure drop, but also reduced the distance is output; steel cement silo, if the displacement is reduced, the delivery pressure increases, the transmission distance increases.

actual construction work of the concrete pump performance calculation

In construction machinery, concrete batching plant properties can be from the production plant to provide product samples or technical specifications and other data found, they are listed in performance, mostly in line with the actual use. However, concrete pump, production performance provided by the Cement silo, mostly theoretical value or maximum value, a larger difference compared with the actual use of the reason, as the actual performance with its pumped medium, pumping concrete traits, use of the environment, equipment, pipeline installation and layout and the use of manipulation associated with it. 

pumping pressure and the resistance of the relationship between

Concrete pumping pressure piston pump body by pushing capacity decisions, ability to push the piston in turn depends on the hydraulic system main pump rated pressure. Concrete Mixing Truck in the pump pressure of the concrete 9 ~ 13MPa, large displacement of the pump up to 15 ~ 22MPa, pushing the piston hydraulic system pressure is generally rated pressure of 1/3. Concrete pump delivery pressure pushes the piston depends on the ability and the total resistance of the pipeline, the two also determines the size of the pump conveying distance. Ability to push the piston structure itself is determined by the prime mover. General model to determine the pump size can not be changed later. Concrete mixer the total resistance of the pipeline has a lot of factors, such as concrete gradation has been described previously. Under normal circumstances, the most influential design of piping, such as the transmission distance of the horizontal or vertical, the number of straight pipe, elbow, conical tubes and hoses. So be careful in the construction designs are arranged.

concrete gradation with the variety and size of selected aggregates related

Pumping concrete to gravel sand as aggregate best, but it works in the field, often with gravel majority. Most pump specification to maximum aggregate size is defined as the maximum size pebbles 40mm, gravel 30mm, there are differences between the two. Concrete mixing plant, pumping concrete in the rubble of a diameter not exceeding duct diameter of 1/4, pebble diameter of not more than 1/3. Such as the use of lightweight aggregate, with particular attention to its water absorption, because when the water in the pumping lightweight aggregate capacity, will directly affect the slump of concrete to concrete delivery more difficult. In case of such a situation, you should do a few tests to adjust the content of the concrete, or the lightweight aggregate Screw Conveyor. d. and aggregate size distribution, particle aggregates sand rate on a great impact on the pumping capacity, such as aggregate deviation from the standard size is too large pumping capacity will reduce, or even cause plugging. Sand the rate of the larger impact on the pumping capacity, sand the rate of 40% to 50% pumping better. In addition, attention should be paid on the sand particle size, 0.3mm fine sand below the amount should normally be more than 15%.


Concrete graded relationship with the pumping capacity

In addition to concrete pump capacity on the characteristics of the pump itself, but also with concrete grading relevant. a. Concrete Mixing Truck to unit cement content will directly affect the concrete pipeline pumping resistance. In general, the fewer pipeline pumping cement content greater the resistance, the lower pumping capacity. Currently the lowest unit of pumping concrete cement content of about 200kg/m3. To ensure the quality of concrete pumping, unit cement content is best kept in the range of 280 ~ 300kg/m3, lightweight aggregate concrete cement content of between 310 ~ 360kg/m3. China provides the minimum amount of cement is pumped concrete 300 kg/m3. The lower the slump and slump, the concrete processing unit, Bolted Type Cement Silo, concrete, when the tube through the pump body, the greater the resistance, directly affects the pumping capacity. In general, construction of concrete slump 5 ~ 10cm, which for pumping more difficult. Will be controlled at 8 ~ 18cm slump is more appropriate, in the upper part of high-rise buildings will be even bigger slump, which not only improves the pumping capacity, and reduce tube clogging.

concrete pump between the main parameters

Countries in the production of concrete pump or pump in the machinery itself as well as on the nameplate on the manufacturer's technical specification, all reflect the product's main parameters and technical characteristics, for users. However, the use of concrete pumps and construction crew personnel should fully understand its technical parameters and technical characteristics of the relationship between. Concrete mixing plant and pump is pumping capacity of the main parameters. Concrete pumping capacity is generally the maximum hourly throughput (displacement) and maximum transmission distance (horizontal and vertical) to represent. Various manufacturers in the product manual or pumping capacity marked on the nameplate, is based on their specific conditions, such as when pumping concrete gradation, maximum particle size gravel pump
Screw Conveyor, conveying distance, diameter size, etc., and qualified to design the ideal combination of indicators identified. This actually works out great when used, due to limitations often less than the pumping capacity calibration targets. Such as Japan's Mitsubishi DC-S115B type concrete pump, the pump is calibrated pumping capacity 40 m3 / h, the maximum instantaneous reach 70 m3 / h, but the practical application of some projects in Shanghai generally reach 25 m3 / h pumps delivery capacity, which does not indicate that the factory calibration of pump pumping capacity error, but rather that in actual use, there are differences with the ideal conditions, such as the pumping capacity of the measures taken will be increased accordingly.

concrete cylinders volumetric efficiency

Concrete cylinder volumetric efficiency means that the piston stroke within the concrete mixing machine filling degree. Such as concrete cylinders were all filled with concrete mixture, then ? = 1.0. In fact ? slump concrete, piping conditions and concrete pump mechanical construction and so on. Large concrete slump, liquidity is good, easy to inhale concrete cylinders, volumetric efficiency will increase. When the
Piping upward, opening the distribution valve and closing the commutation moment because of back pressure (counter pressure) in the delivery pipe will produce concrete mix back, concrete block making machine of the concrete mixture, in particular when the dispensing valve wear, affecting more large. In addition, the concrete mixture from the hopper suction flow of concrete cylinders are reasonable, inhalation dispensing valve structure and its operating speed and the speed of movement of the piston also affected pit efficiency .

common concrete pump or pump displacement calculation

Concrete pump or pump model is selected according to its pumping capacity, and its pumping capacity generally based on the maximum displacement per unit time (m3 / h) and cement mixing machine distance (m) to represent. These values ??are generally in the product technical specifications have, in the choice of concrete pump or pump type and calculate the number of units, we need to use these data. But in the product specification given in these data are in some standard conditions (such as concrete slump 18 ~ 21cm pebbles) can be achieved under continuous pumping data, Concrete block machine and maximum pumping distance is not may be achieved simultaneously. When conditions are not the same standard conditions as described above, concrete pump or pump the actual pumping capacity is bound to change. So in the actual construction of concrete pump or pump pumping capacity of less than actual technical specifications given in the data, during the construction organization design, according to the specific conditions to determine the actual concrete pump pumping capacity can be achieved.

Concrete Pump Selection Considerations

(A) primary concrete pump, be sure to visit customers to learn more about the actual usage. (2) Asphalt Mixing Plant use the regular factory production of concrete pumps. (3) try not to use any manufacturers first (the first batch) concrete pumps. (4) should be for sale at factory direct purchase contracts, as little as possible through the intermediate links, to facilitate maintenance services. Concrete pump selection effects due to many factors, selection must be considered. When selecting both from steel cement silo, and apply certain technical reserves, to ensure that enterprises invest after a certain potential for further development. Selection of the above analysis, for selection of reference.

concrete pump reasonable steps to select

(1) Selected concrete pump should first put into use in engineering units to meet concrete pumping the maximum amount of time (one or several combined yield), maximum distance and maximum pumping height requirements (and there should be a reserve) to This determines the maximum pumping Cement silo concrete pressure, or to vote for the election of low-pressure pump high pressure pump, or select a standard pump. Depending on the situation, the general level of transmission within a distance of 400 vertical height in the following optional low-pressure pump, such as mold inside the tunnel lining, low-pressure pump fully meet the construction requirements. Beyond the scope of the above should be based on the actual situation, choose different maximum pressure pumping concrete pressure pump. (2) concrete pump should be selected to meet the operational requirements of engineering concrete persons. Such as concrete slump, maximum size of coarse aggregate, gravel grading, concrete disabilities are low-intensity or high intensity. If the maximum size concrete block machine aggregate inconvenience control, selectable with good suction gate valve concrete pump; if the maximum size of coarse aggregate is strictly according to the standard supply, the choice of the general suction valve concrete pump . (3) concrete pump should be selected according to the construction site power supply conditions. Where there is a system power supply, the capacity to meet the requirements, it should be to opt for electric pump, otherwise it should be used in these pumps. (4) tunnel construction, rail transport operations should be used in concrete pump track, trackless transport operations used tires mounted concrete pump. (5) from construction operations near explosive gases, such as oil depots, chemical plants, the "gas" in tunnel construction workplace should be used in explosion-proof concrete pump.


concrete pump Description

Operators and related equipment managers should carefully read the instruction manual and grasp the structural principle, Concrete mixing plant, and pumping concrete knowledge; use and operation of concrete pumps should be strictly in accordance with the instruction manual execution. Because the operator can fully grasp the need to have a mechanical process, so instructions should be randomly set aside. At the same time, should be based on the development of specialized manual operation points, to be able to effectively control the pumping technology of some variables, such as Screw Conveyor pumps, piping, etc.
Supporting concrete pumps ground should be flat, solid; whole need horizontally, the working process should not tilt. Should be able to stably support legs machine and securely locked or fixed. Position both easy to pump concrete mixer truck and out of the hopper and feed, but also consider conducive pumping pumping pressure piping and to reduce losses, while requiring from pouring Location Near, electricity, water and convenient.

concrete pump from the motor power

A concrete pump motor power outlet is to determine the amount of pressure and concrete mixing machine motor power given in the case of pressure increase will make the delivery was reduced; Conversely, lowering the outlet pressure will cause the throughput increases. In order to ensure concrete pump conveying both a large amount, but also have some outlet pressure and the matching of economic power in the design of concrete pump, mostly using a constant power piston; namely constant power value selected, when the outlet pressure increases, the pump will automatically reduce the output displacement, achieved with a value corresponding power design; If we want to achieve exports of high pressure, but also want the purpose of transporting large. The only way is to increase the motor power. Therefore, in the new national standards, citing concrete pump capacity index concept (in MPa · m3 / h for the unit of measurement); namely concrete pump outlet pressure and concrete block making machine throughput of the hourly real product, the greater the value its ability to index the greater the power of the motor will also be greater, thus achieving large displacement, high-lift purposes. My company in the design, but also uses a high-voltage switching function designed to meet the requirements of different construction, the state in the economy, but also have a greater throughput, or the same motor power, produce a higher outlet pressure .

concrete pump technical parameters

A concrete pump has the following main technical parameters: transportation displacement, cement mixing machine, electrical power and distribution valve. In accordance with the new national standard, which several key parameters from concrete pump models can be learned. The following concrete pump in Changsha fertile Rio "HBT60-16-110S" concrete pump an example of its Meaning
HB - phonetic abbreviation concrete pump
T - towed
S - S-shaped pendulum distribution valve pipe valve
60 - Maximum throughput, m3 / h
16 ---- concrete pump maximum pressure at the outlet, MPa
110 - Motor power, kW
According to the label outlet pressure levels, divided into low-pressure pump (≤ 5MPa), medium-pressure pump (6-10MPs) and high-pressure pump (> 10MPa); maximum hourly throughput with 20-100m3 range, and large Most concrete pump variable displacement can be achieved two steps or stepless variable. Users should be based on the actual needs of the project, according to the height of conveying distance, choose the outlet pressure; based on the ability of mixing feed, select the output side volume range; pumping concrete aggregate according to the situation, choose the form of the distribution valves. S-shaped swing pipe valve in low pressure loss during pumping, Concrete block machine smoothly, but by the diameter of the restrictions on the aggregate demand is higher, suitable for medium and high-pressure pump for high-rise buildings and high quality concrete long-distance, high-lift transport; gate valve because of low demand for aggregates has been 'eat whole grains' with said medium-pressure pumps used more often, pumping height of 100 meters, the level within 300 meters.

Each mixer truck concrete pump with the number of required calculations

When the concrete pump continuous operation, each equipped with the required concrete pump steel cement silo number of units, can be calculated as follows:
N = (Q1 / V) * (L / S + Tt)
Asphalt Mixing Plant of concrete mixer truck Taiwan (Taiwan);
Q1 an actual average of each concrete pump output volume (m / h);
V-Each concrete mixer truck capacity (m);
S-Concrete mixer truck average traffic speed (km / h);
L a concrete mixer truck round trip distance (km);
Each concrete mixer truck Tt a total stop time (h).

concrete pump output is calculated

Concrete pump actual average output, according to the maximum output of concrete pumps, piping conditions and Wheel Loader efficiency, calculated as follows:
Q1 = 0max * a * η
Where Q1-one for each concrete pump actual average output volume (m / h);
Qmax-each concrete pump's maximum output capacity (m / h);
a - piping condition factor. Desirability of 0.8 to 0.9;
η-operating efficiency. According to the concrete block machine concrete pump intermittent feeding time, dismantling concrete output tube and fabric stop, etc., preferably 0.5 to 0.7.

The use of concrete pumps

When the boom is fully extended state, the non-moving body. Operation needs to be moved, should the upper booms folded fixed and mobile speed not exceeding 10km / h. Booms must not use more than specified diameter piping, pipe should be attached to the wheel concrete batching plant safety rope.
Should always monitor various instruments and indicators, discovery is not normal, timely adjustment or processing. In case of duct blockage, should return reverse operation of the concrete hopper, when necessary, remove tube blockage excluded.
Cement silo pressure shall not open any pipes and hydraulic pipes. Hydraulic system relief valve shall be arbitrarily adjusted. Accumulator only filled ammonia.
After operation, the hopper must be concrete and piping full output, then the pump, hoppers, pipe cleaning. Flush pipes with compressed air, the pipe shall not be less than 10m in front of the outlet end to stand and apply metal baskets and other collection out of foam rubber and sand grains.
Non-flush with compressed air piping boom. Folding boom contraction required order.
Various parts of the operation switch, adjust the handles, hand wheels, control sweat, cocks, etc. should be reset. Unloading hydraulic system.

concrete pump operation

(1) sand particle size, label and Concrete Mixing Truck factory specification requirements shall be met pump mechanical performance requirements.
(2) pumping equipment, parking brake and locking brake should be used simultaneously, the tire should be wedged tight, water supply and water storage tanks should be properly stocked with water, the hopper should be no debris, lubricate all lubrication points should be normal.
(3) pumping equipment ministries bolts should be tightened, sealing pipe joints should be tightened, guards should be complete and reliable.
(4) the beginning of each part manipulation, adjustment handles, hand wheels, levers, cocks, etc. should be in the Bolted Type Cement Silo. Hydraulic system should normally be no leakage.
(5) ready for cleaning pipes, cleaning supplies and other related devices. Job, you must first use cement mortar prepared according to the provisions lubrication pipes. Unrelated persons must leave the pipes.
(6) leg should be fully extended and supported in prison, is not fixed shall not start before the boom. Boom elevated stand only after the revolution. Boom is extended should order. Prohibited the use of boom lifting or dragging objects.

Concrete pump safety rules

A) concrete pump should be placed on a solid flat surface, lay down the legs, the body placed stable.
2) Before operating, Concrete mixing plant sure the normal electrical equipment and instrumentation, various parts of the switch button, the handle is in the correct position, the mechanical part of the fastening point solid, reliable, chain and belt tension to meet the requirements, transmission parts in normal operation.
3) concrete delivery pipe joints should be sealed tight, pipe card should be firmly connected. Less than 10m vertical tube before horizontal pipe with check valve,Screw Conveyor connected to the vertical tube concrete pump output.
4) to clear clogged pipes, you should evacuate personnel around. Remove pipe cleaning method should take before counter, clear the pipeline pressure. When removing the nozzle right person prohibited.
5) operations do not remove the hopper grille nets and other safety devices. Not climbing and cycling pressure pipelines shall not reach into the valve body work, disassembly is prohibited in the pipeline when pumping.
6) cleaning pipes, the operator should leave the pipe outlet and elbow joints. If cleaning with compressed air pipe, the pipe outlet shall not someone 10m and equipment.
7) After the operation, the hydraulic system pressure relief, the entire control switch back to the original position.


second-generation concrete pump pumping technology

Full hydraulic control commutation technology
The first generation of pumping technology: electronically controlled commutation technology, PLC control solenoid valve commutation of pumping, S pipe replacement to the assigned post.
Machine assembly is simple, Concrete block machine, but the electrical control complex, high failure rate and maintenance cost, easy to delay the progress of the project is the biggest drawbacks.
The second generation pumping technology: Hydraulic commutation technique relies entirely on the master cylinder, hydraulic cylinder distribution of small changes in the signal to achieve action commutation.
1, concrete pumping, S pipe distribution without electrical components in PLC, lower failure rate, control is cement mixing machine, greatly improved product life.
2, the entire hydraulic pump control technology, there is no constant pressure pump, the control box is not PLC, no nitrogen gas tank, the tank is not close to the switch point, the structure is simple, maintenance costs are significantly reduced.

HB-type concrete pump

HB series concrete pump hydraulic system with dual discrete open-loop system, high efficiency, good heat dissipation, Bolted Type Cement Silo. All the main valve group selected West Germany Rexroth imported parts, high reliability, Germany imported connectors, seals coupled system layout scientific and rational, not leaking. Automatic forced central lubrication system, system filtration assembly set, all lubrication points rational allocation of oil demand, always maintain vulnerable parts. Imported key electrical components, PLC programmable control, the use of low-voltage control technology, remote control operation, the disk operating arbitrary choice, concrete block machine. Pumping system with constant power control, stepless adjustment of the pumping speed, plugging automatic anti-pump function. S-type distribution valve with high hardness and wear rings floating hardness alloy glasses, plates and matching, extremely long life. The unique system layout, exterior design, the machine compact small size, but easy to maintain, more comfortable operation, disassembly of the wearing parts is very convenient.

concrete pump performance characteristics

1, using the triple pump Billiton concrete block machine, hydraulic circuit without disturbing each other, the system runs.
2, with anti-pump function, conducive to the timely exclude plugging failures and downtime to be expected short.
3, the use of advanced S pipe distribution valve that automatically compensate for wear and tear clearance, good sealing performance.
4, the use of wear-resistant alloy glasses, plates and floating cutting ring, long service life.
5, long-stroke cylinder, extending the feed cylinder and cement mixing machine.
6, the optimal design of the hopper for easy cleaning, suction performance is better.
7, automatic centralized lubrication system to ensure the effective operation of the machine lubrication.
8, with remote control function, the operation more safe and convenient.
9, all the components used in all GB, interchangeability is better.

concrete pump

Concrete pump, concrete pump, also known by the pump and delivery tube. Is a use of pressure, the concrete along the pipeline continuous conveyor machinery, mainly used in housing construction, Concrete block machine and tunnel construction. Currently divided into gate valve concrete pump and concrete pump S valve. Yet another is to pump installed in the chassis, and then equipped with a telescopic boom or inflection, which consists of the pump. Large concrete delivery of equipment for high-rise, steel cement silo, overpasses and other large concrete work concrete work.
By the pump and pipeline components. Press the structure is divided into piston, extrusion, hydraulic diaphragm. Pump mounted on the vehicle chassis, and then equipped with retractable or inflected boom, on the formation of pump.

concrete pump Introduction

Type: divided trailer concrete pumps and automotive pumps.
Currently domestic brands: Wuhan pump tiger, Changsha Billiton Waugh, Sany, Zoomlion and so on.
At present, China can be divided into concrete pump S valve and concrete mixing machine, S valve mounted concrete pumps are closed systems, good sealing, high pressure conveying, pumping height high, but high requirements for materials, gate valve is an open system, cement mixing machine, sealing relatively low, conveyor down, conveyor height is low, but low demand for materials.
Currently doing S valve products manufacturers very much, almost all manufacturers can do, Trinity and Vanda are two S valve system.
Due to market conditions, product manufacturers do little gate valve, gate valve pressure is small, no S-valve high pumping highly complex systems, the failure rate is high, so the market demand for small, only three one pump tiger Wuhan, Changsha Billiton Kosovo, the Alliance and several medium-sized manufacturers, the top sales market.
Changsha is the country's construction machinery are emerging, innovative power strong, large-scale industrial cluster effect is obvious, the production of concrete pump sales in the country dominates.


concrete mixer species classification

Concrete mixer truck for transportation vehicles, in the maintenance and repair must comply with the Ministry of Communications Decree No. 13 of 1990, the Executive "periodic testing, mandatory maintenance, repairs, as appropriate," the maintenance system. Under this premise, combined with the actual situation of the concrete block machine, good maintenance and repair. In daily maintenance, shall be in addition to conventional concrete mixer truck on car engines, chassis and other parts for maintenance, you must also do the following maintenance work. Divided into: Dongfeng 140 concrete mixing machine, Dongfeng 145 concrete mixer truck, Dongfeng 153 concrete mixer, concrete mixer truck Dongfeng, Dongfeng Hercules double bridge concrete mixer truck, concrete mixer liberation, Steyr concrete mixer, Shaanxi Auto Delong concrete mixer, concrete mixer truck Auman, Hongyan concrete mixer, Japan Isuzu double bridge concrete mixer.

concrete mixer works

II chassis powered by a power take full power output of the power transmitted through the shaft hydraulic pump produces hydraulic tubing passed through hydraulic motors, hydraulic motors of the hydraulic energy into kinetic energy through the gear reducer by twisting passed to concrete batching plant, by adjusting (double acting variable) angle of the hydraulic pump handle in order to achieve a servo reversing and speed Concrete mixing plant size to achieve concrete filling, mixing, agitation, the material and other operations.

concrete mixer agitator

It mainly consists of the mixing tube and the auxiliary support components. A Concrete Mixing Truck drum containers, which is made from high quality wear-resistant steel sheet, in order to automatically load and unload the concrete, the inner wall is welded helical blades of special shape. Concrete along the blade rotation spiral direction, constantly upgrading and turning process by mixing and stirring. In the feeding and transport process, the mixing tube is transferred, the concrete along the blade inward movement, the material, the mixing tube reversal, concrete discharged outward along the blade. Mixing drum rotation is driven by hydraulic means to be guaranteed. Loading capacity 3 to 6 cubic meters. Asphalt Mixing Plant generally used by the vehicle engine through PTO driven hydraulic pump, and then by a hydraulic motor driven high pressure oil to promote the mixing tube, loading capacity of 9 to 12 cubic meters of hydraulic pump driven by the vehicle auxiliary diesel engine driven hydraulic motors. Stirring blades are the main components of the device, can cause damage or excessive wear uneven mixing concrete. In addition, if the angle of the blade design is unreasonable, but also to make concrete appear segregation.

concrete mixer Introduction

Hydraulic system
After removing the PTO engine power (usually fully functional rear power take off), into hydraulic energy (displacement and stress), and then the motor output concrete mixing machine (speed and torque), provided for the rotation of the mixing tube Power.
The hydraulic system motor output speed reducer, then transmits the mixing tube.
Operating mechanism
a. Mixing drum rotation direction control, so that in the process of feeding and transport forward rotation, reverse rotation when the material.
b. Controlling the rotational speed of the mixing tube
Cleaning system
The main function of cleaning system is to clean the mixing tube, are also sometimes used for dry material concrete block machine. Cleaning system is also a cooling effect on the hydraulic system.
Fully enclosed device using rotary sealing technology, sealing the mixer's expected out to solve the traditional mixer water evaporation, mortar layered, concrete material spilled, traffic safety and other issues.

concrete mixer composition

From the vehicle chassis, the mixing tube, transmission, water supply device, full power take off, before mixing tube bracket, gearbox, hydraulic drive system, access to material systems, steering mechanism and other components. Due to technical bottlenecks,steel cement silo tank volume 3m3-8m3 of using domestic four pieces, 8m3 volume of more than four pieces using mostly imported parts.
Mixer consists of: two types of chassis, powertrain, hydraulic systems, racks, mixing tank, and out equipment, water supply systems, concrete block making machine, ladder and other parts. Mixing tank front end coupled with the gear installed in the rack before the stage, back through the raceway by the background of the two rack-mounted roller support.

concrete mixer overview

Private institutions include PTO, after mixing tube bracket, gearbox, hydraulic systems, steel cement silo, steering mechanism, cleaning systems. Its working principle: by taking the power plant will power the car chassis removed and driven variable displacement pump hydraulic system, the mechanical energy into hydraulic energy pass quantitative motor, motor and then drive reducer, reducer driven by a stirring device for concrete stirred.
Power take off device
Domestic cement mixing machine truck using the main vehicle engine power take way. Power take off unit's role is to take power by manipulating the engine power switch will remove the hydraulic system driven by the mixing tube, shake stir in the feed tube and transportation process forward rotation, in order to facilitate feeding and stirring concrete at the material time reverse rotation, after the end of the work with the engine shut off power connection.

Concrete mixer truck

Domestically in the pass mixer Wheel Loader (cement mixer, concrete mixer) used for transporting concrete building dedicated truck; Because of its shape, is also often referred to as cement trucks. Such trucks are cylindrical mixing drum unit for the carriage of concrete block machine. During transport will always be kept rotating mixing drum in order to ensure that the carriage of the concrete not be solidified. After transporting concrete, they usually rinse the mixing tube inside to prevent hardening of the concrete space, so that the volume of the mixing tube is less and less.


Conveyor tired methods

A conveyor belt in the transport and storage, should be kept clean to avoid direct sunlight, rain and snow Baptist leaching, prevent acids, Wheel Loader, oils, organic solvents and other substances affecting the quality of rubber contact and one meter away from the heating device.
Second, when the warehouse storage temperature should be kept at -15 ℃ - +40 ℃, relative humidity should be maintained between 50-80%.
Third, the storage of conveyor rolls must be placed, Bolted Type Cement Silo, turning once during placement shall be on a quarterly basis.
Fourth, the conveyor belt speed should not exceed 5.0 m / sec, transport large blocks, abrasive materials and the use of a large fixed plow unloader device should maximize the use of low-speed. Beyond the prescribed speed, will affect the life of the tape.
Five, to reduce the impact of materials and wear on the tape, the tape feeding direction should shun the running direction; materials fall into the gap on the tape should be minimized; mouth should avoid feeding roller or rollers just above; tape by feed section should be shortened idler spacing and buffering measures taken. To prevent scratch tape, stop feeding device scraper cleaning device and unloading device and the contact portion of the tape should be appropriate hardness of the rubber sheet, do not use fabric layer sandwiched tape head.

belt tear causes

1, due to impurities in the material conveying belt tear. Impurities in the transportation of materials for coal port, the main coal quality is poor, the big lump of coal and a variety of impurities, such as iron, Wheel Loader, etc., resulting in approximately 70-80% of the tear, thus ensuring that the source of coal Quality is the key ripstop.
2, auxiliary equipment caused by improper installation of belt conveyor belt tear. Belt conveyors auxiliary equipment and more, linings fall, adsorption separator sharp iron, sweeper improper installation and so may cause tearing and scraping on the conveyor belt pull, general conveyor belt no lateral protection structure, can not prevent tearing.
3, the structure is not perfect conveyor belt caused by tearing. The structure is not perfect because of conveyor, conveyor blanking point gap between large, coal flow of impurities large relative velocity, impact force, Cement silo, hard, long impurities easily inserted in the blanking point belt, causing Conveyor tear.
4, resulting in blocking material conveyor belt tear. Transfer chute is small, easy to hinder materials and impurities by causing belt tear.
5, the conveyor belt of the deviation caused by pulling edges.
6, return Reel coal.
In addition, the aging of the conveyor belt side glue joints core water, causing rust out of rope, can also cause tearing.

Conveyor Maintenance

First: either concave belt pulley claw at the transition. Practice has proved insufficient transverse strength rope conveyor,steel cement silo, denounced belt pulley causing localized excessive force, resulting in torn conveyor belt, pulley umbrella of the Ministry will be music to music with a drum, could solve this, problem.
Second: the improvement of industrial conveyor hopper off. Improvement of industrial conveyor drop hopper, conveyor belt is to prevent premature failure of one of effective measures. Improved transfer of the belt off at the hopper, the capacity to increase by 2.5 times foreign,cement mixing machine, large foreign body in the transport process is not easy card between the hopper wall and the conveyor, the conveyor reduce foreign tear Probability. Off the lead at the feed hopper skirt to match the conveyor belt running along the direction of the gap is growing, solving coal, Eli blocks stuck in the belt between the plates and the language problems and eliminate the resulting transport With damage. Larger drop hopper baffle installed inside the buffer, to avoid the direct impact of the material conveyor .

rubber belt conveyor upgrade

China Rubber Industry Association pipe band Branch Secretary Li Hong said conveyor product upgrading, it is necessary to develop to meet the required coal mine with layered fabric conveyor belt and concrete batching plant and low toxicity flame retardant conveyor belt, the straight through straight latitude belt conveyor belt industrialization; improved tubular conveyor belt and high angle conveyor belts and other new technological level, and expand market share. The second is to develop energy-saving, safety, environmental protection and new products to replace old products. Light conveyor belt of fine products is less investment, low energy consumption,concrete block machine, high value-added products. With economic development, scientific and technological progress and the improvement of the degree of modernization, the market's growing demand for light-duty conveyor belts to guide the user to pay attention to use light conveyor belt. Third is to strengthen the development of special-purpose conveyor belt, further development pattern, wall, baffles, enhance other forms of large angle belt conveyor and intelligent multi-functional anti-tear.
2010, rubber conveyor belt industry replacement products will be fully implemented, and to adjust and improve existing production processes, improve process of mechanization, automation, continuous and rationality, as well as product quality and stability.

Conveyor Quality Status

The past 20 years, China's rapid development of adhesive tape products, whether belt or belt species are relatively complete, and with the international standards. In product concrete mixing machine, more attention to the timely adoption of international standards and foreign advanced standards. Has more than 30 products with national standards or industry standards. These are essentially national or industry standards with reference to international standards or advanced foreign standards development.
Of synthetic fibers and steel cord conveyor belts for the skeleton belt about 80% of total; cord structures V-belt V-belt is nearing 80 percent, close to the international advanced level. Since 2003, the state fire-retardant conveyor belts and automotive V-belts implemented two types of products production license system, which is China's product quality, raise the level of the tape is a great promotion. Including coal mine fire-retardant conveyor belt fabric flame retardant conveyor belt (PVC-and PVG type), coal and concrete block making machine belts for general purpose flame retardant conveyor belt four types, in addition to heat resistant conveyor belt, ring conveyor belts, etc., the belt's total production accounts for about 1/3. As flame retardant and antistatic belt requirements, but also for the national key control flammable and explosive, and its relatively high technological content of products, the level of quality of the product can represent our country in a way conveyor belt products level of quality. Automotive V-belt includes edging and trimming truck V-belts V-belts are two types of truck, automotive V-belts are also due to the use conditions are relatively harsh V belt product technology content of products, its quality status to some extent can also be representative of the quality of our products V-belt status.

Conveyor development characteristics

Wide distribution of the tape industry enterprises quantity, but the relative and relatively concentrated. Almost all provinces and autonomous regions nationwide tape production enterprises, and concrete mixing machine and large businesses; but tape enterprise mainly concentrated in Zhejiang, Shandong, Hebei, Henan, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Liaoning, Guangdong and other provinces and cities. In addition, China's top 10 tape industry's production volume accounted for about 60% of the total output of the tape. For example, according to Zhejiang Rubber Industry Association statistics, in 2004 the province's V-belt production reached 450 million Am, accounting for 51.1% of national output; conveyor output reached 14.06 million m2, accounting for about 14 total %; tape export delivery value reached 288 million yuan, accounting for tape export delivery value of 1/4. The tape Zhejiang industrial and concentrated in Ningbo, cement mixing machine, Tongxiang, three, rooftops and other regions. Again, Rubber Industry Association, Shandong Province, according to statistics, in 2004 the province's above-scale enterprises conveyor belt production reached 29.4 million m2, accounting for about 30% of total output conveyor. According to another branch pipe band survey focused on conveyor Hebei Lixian, Boye area, the production capacity of about 50 million m2, the annual output of 30 million m2.

conveyor belt production capacity and output

China is the world tape production and consumption country, the country has a certain scale of hundreds of tape manufacturer. Rough estimate, in 2004 the national annual consumption of concrete mixing machine (including resin) of about 100,000 t, about the world of tape glue consumption of 1/3, about the country's rubber rubber consumption by about 2.5%. According to industry to rough statistics, the country's annual production capacity of approximately conveyor 250 million m2, V belt Am annual production capacity of more than 1 billion, ranking the world. According to relevant statistics, from 2001 to 2004 the national production of conveyor belts were 7246,7327.52,8876.21,10000 Wan m2, V belt production was 63700,65410.45,76341.2,88000 Wan Am. It is estimated that in 2004 the national GDP of tape products, about 60 billion yuan, accounting for about 4% of the total value of rubber products around. According to customs statistics, from 2001 to 2004 the country's export delivery value of tape products were 6300,6256,8635,12720 million U.S. dollars, imports were 6011,6200,10415,11916 million.Concrete Mixing Truck, in 2004 the export delivery value of tape products have greater growth than in 2003, but still basically the same with imports. Overall, the country is self-sufficient since I tape products, I plant the production of nylon conveyor belt, sidewall conveyor belt sold throughout the country. And some exports, surplus production capacity; contrary, due to different specifications and quality standards, as well as other factors, some imports are required each year.

Belt cover surface damage causes

(A), the guide gap between the grooved bush and inappropriate, leading to abnormal wear, or the gap at the embedded foreign matter, cause abnormal wear or scratches.
(Two), the guide groove material flow and concrete batching plant is inconsistent, there is a big gap, accelerated wear of the plastic surface.
(Three), roll damage, resulting in abnormal wear or scratch tape.
(Four), illegal operations, maintenance welding slag burns, scratches, and clean.
(5) and slide the tape will cause abnormal wear of the tape.
In the course of the belt, the most common problem is: Foreign scratches, local foreign body damage,Asphalt Mixing Plant, and perforations.
Usually because the foreign body causing local damage belts, according to the traditional method completely dismantled after repair and replacement of heating vulcanized or scrapped.
High-molecular rubber repair material, which has excellent adhesion, excellent abrasion resistance and excellent tensile properties. Using polymer rubber repair materials, free removal, free hot vulcanized rubber belt scratches on-site maintenance, repairs, low cost, short time, to avoid scrap replacement and downtime caused significant losses and fix the new belt life can be achieved.
Repair coating thickness control, rapid prototyping, cast a very short time. The cured coating has a relatively high cohesive strength, tensile strength, peel strength and good hardness, toughness, elongation. Maintenance of the construction process can be greatly simplified, self-leveling is good, bright appearance. Whether a quick repair damaged rubber conveyor belts, rubber products, but also in the product surface pre-coated with a protective layer, and prolong life.

reasons belt breakage and repair

A conveyor belt longitudinal tear reasons:
(A), shock and vibration caused by fasteners loose and fell off, causing the coal chute liners, steel cement silo, etc. fall.
(Two), the material inside the inclusion of foreign, foreign body rigid, angular, coal chute blockage Jisi.
(Three), roller defect, roller frame cause scratches.
(Four), a serious deviation after rack conveyor caught.
(Five), Sweepers winding roll (return sweeper), loose bolts, there are a harbinger of spring.
Second, the belt cracking reasons:
(A), due to the limited spatial dimensions, concrete block machine belt more times.
(Two), the joint vulcanization due to various reasons more than twice sulfide.
Third, the conveyor belt vulcanized joints torn reasons:
(A) small diameter idler pulley, belt withstand large bending stress.
(Two), conveyor belt vulcanizing joint quality is poor, especially in curing more than twice, the joint strength decreased, or in the bonding layer when the canvas is cut or polished drain, where strength decreases.
(C), the reversing conveyor, lap top and bottom can only in one direction, it is easy on the belt cleaning device, and other equipment angular portion unloading scratches.
(Four), conveyor duty cycle is short, frequent starting, the instantaneous tension force.

Conveyor for troubleshooting problems with debugging

The first method is in the manufacture of roller group are worked into the mounting holes on both sides holes for adjustment. Figure two specific adjustment method, the specific method is biased which side of the belt, idlers which side of the belt toward the forward direction forward,concrete block machine, or the other side. Figure 2 shows the direction of the belt upward deviation is lower roller group should be located at the left, the upper roller group moved to the right place.
The second method is to install self-aligning roller group, self-aligning roller group has a variety of types, such as intermediate shaft type, four-link, vertical roller type, and so, the principle is the use of block or roller rotates in the direction in the horizontal plane barrier or automatically generate horizontal thrust to the heart of the belt to adjust the belt deviation purposes, Concrete block machine and deflection roller bearing forces acting the same group. Generally shorter in overall length, or belt conveyor belt conveyor bidirectional runtime using this method is more reasonable, more likely reason is that the shorter belt deviation and not easy to adjust. And long belt conveyor is best not to use this method, because self-aligning roller group life belt use would have some impact.

scraper conveyor

Scraper chain traction in the tank transporting bulk material conveyors called scraper conveyor. KS scraper conveyor concrete batching plant Adjacent slot machine in the middle level of the vertical plane can be called a limited degree bend bendable scraper conveyor. Which machine And transporting the body in a roadway interchanges face bent 90 degrees set face conveyor called the "corner Asphalt Mixing Plant Machine. "In the current coalface, the scraper conveyor is not only the role of coal and transportation of materials, but also Shearer's orbit, so it becomes indispensable to modern mining technology in the main equipment. Scraper lose Send function to maintain continuous operation, the production can be carried out normally. Otherwise, it will be presented throughout the coalface discontinued State, the entire production interruption.

vibrating conveyor

Vibration exciter to make use of the trough, so that the tank material sliding along a certain direction or throw shift continuous conveyor machinery. Of flexible linkage, electromagnetic and inertial three.
① elastic connecting rod. The eccentric shaft, concrete batching plant, connecting rod ends chute springs and other components. Even the rotation of the eccentric shaft
Reciprocating rod ends, sparking trough for directional vibration. Prompting tank material constantly moving forward. General Low frequency, large amplitude or frequency of moderate moderate amplitude.
② electromagnetic. The core, coil, armature and other components trough. The rectified current through the coil, generating Periodic variation of the electromagnetic suction, sparking trough vibrate. Generally high frequency, small amplitude.
③ inertial. By the eccentric block, Concrete block machine, trough, etc., eccentric rotating centrifugal force generated when provoked Trough vibration. Generally use medium frequency and amplitude.
Vibrating conveyor uses the electric motor as a quality source of vibration, so that the material to be tossed at the same time moving forward to achieve the output Send purpose; structure is divided into open, closed; trough conveyor for conveying form or tubular transport,Motor position can be up, down or side-mounted side.

screw conveyor Classification and structural characteristics

(1) have a physical spiral blade screw conveyor spiral face with spiral face and leaves spiral face Three. Entity s preparation method called helical surface, its helical pitch type GX 0.8 times the diameter of the  blade,Bolted Type Cement Silo spiral loses Send for conveying powdery and granular materials. Belt, also known as D helical surface preparation method, with its spiral screw blade pitch  The same diameter, suitable for conveying powder and small  pieces of material. Vane helical surface is seldom used, mainly for transport Viscosity and compressibility of the material, the  conveying process, and complete mixing, mixing step in which the screw  Pitch of approximately 1.2 times the diameter of the spiral blade.
(2) screw conveyor helical blade has two kinds of L and Drotation.
(3) the type of screw conveyor with horizontal fixed screw conveyor, vertical screw conveyor. Asphalt Mixing Plant conveyor is of a type most commonly used. Vertical screw conveyor for materials to enhance short distance, Conveyor height is generally not more than 8m, spiral blade surface for the entity type, it must have horizontal screw feeder in order to maintain Permit the necessary feed pressure.
(4) LS, GX-type screw conveyor material outlet end, should be set to 1/2 to 1 turn reverse helical segments, to prevent powder Clogging material ends.
(5) by a screw conveyor screw conveyor body material inlet and outlet and the drive unit consists of three parts.Screw machine body by the head bearings, rear bearings, suspension bearings, spiral, shell, cover and base, etc.Components.
Drive unit consists of motor, reducer, coupling and base formed.

Screw Applications and Features

(1) Screw  in the chemical, building materials, food and other departments in a widely used transportation equipment,Concrete mixing plant for conveying powder, granular and small bulk materials. It is not suitable for transporting perishable, viscous andEasy caking materials.
(2) Screw with an ambient temperature of -20 ~ 50 ℃; conveyor inclination β ≤ 20 °; output Delivery length is generally less than 40m, the longest no more than 70m.
(3) screw conveyor and other transportation equipment, compared with a simple structure, cross-sectional size small, seale Performance is good, you can multi-point loading and unloading the middle, safe and convenient operation and low cost manufacturing. Its Disadvantage is more serious mechanical wear and tear, steel cement silo, lower power consumption and material easily broken during transport.

Routine Maintenance Management

Screw in use, must pay attention to the daily maintenance, this will maximize the heel Sand dryer with the good, to ensure the production capacity and efficiency, but also extend the life of the equipment.
(1) should be timed to the bearings, cement mixing machine and chains and other transmission parts lubricated.
(2) boxes to send machine after disabling spiral blade should be checked for wear, wear serious welding.
(3) does not overload the throughput, concrete batching plant, causing the screw shaft bending and box up bad.
(4) a high degree of transmission medium disheartened, you should pay attention to whether changes in the cabinet expansion card with a place without freedom, if There urgently address.
(5) Conveyor in operation, the noise piercing should be playing cover inspection, troubleshooting.

Screw Features

Simple structure, small cross-sectional size, Concrete mixing plant, reliable, low cost, ease of loading and intermediateUnloading, the reverse conveying direction, can also conveyed in the direction opposite to two. But also on the material during transportation Stirring, mixing, heating and cooling operations. By loading gate adjustable material flow. But should not lose Send perishable, viscous, easy caking and bulk materials. Easily broken during transportation of materials, spiral And trough easy to wear. Larger power units. Use and to maintain the tightness of the spiral trough and trough between fitness When the gap.
Vertical screw conveyor is suitable for short distance vertical transportation. Can be bent by a flexible shaft helical screw conveyor Hop Composed of synthetic rubber blade, concrete batching plant, or process according to the site requirements of any arrangement for space transportation. Screw Screw conveyors leaves have now lost pull and pull the whole, now pull can be made arbitrary thickness and size, do not pull the whole Should produce nonstandard spiral.
Transportation of materials from the perspective of the direction of displacement divided Hongdae screw conveyor is divided into horizontal and vertical screw conveyor Two types of screw conveyor, mainly used for all kinds of  powder, granular and small lump of loose materials such as water Flat conveyor and vertical lift, the screw conveyor  suitable transport perishable, viscous, easy caking or high temperature, Afraid of pressure, there is greater corrosive special materials.Screw conveyors are generally body material inlet and outlet and the drive unit has three major components; concrete mixing machine Have a physical spiral screw blade surface with spiral blade helicoid surface and the three forms, which spiral vane Rotary surface application is relatively small, mainly used for transporting material viscosity and compressibility, this snail hanging face, in Complete the process of transfer operations, both of materials and finish stirring, mixing and other functions.Screw conveyor and other transportation equipment, compared with a whole section of small size, good sealing performance, smooth running Reliable, multi-center loading and unloading and safe operation, easy maintenance and so on.

Spiral (roller conveyor) Conveyor

steel cement silo is welded in the cylindrical enclosure has a continuous helical blade, the chassis is rotated together with the helical blade. Added material due to centrifugal force and the friction force and is rotated together with the random shell increased, the force of gravity of the material under the surface and down along the spiral, spiral rotating together with the material in order to achieve the forward movement of the material, as does not rotate along the rotation of the screw nut for translational motion as to achieve the purpose of transportation of materials.
The machine low energy consumption, low maintenance costs; at the end of the feed, they can adapt to uneven feeding requirements, can be transported simultaneously mixing a variety of process requirements, the material does not produce too much into jamming; facilitate multi- point of loading and unloading, can transport high temperature materials. Suitable for horizontal conveying high temperature materials; cement mixing machine, feeding is uneven, there are anti-crushing requirements, pollution prevention requirements of the material and the need to add multi-point discharge process has better adaptability. Practice has proved that, in the transportation of cement clinker, dry limestone, phosphate rock, ilmenite powder, when coal and slag and other materials to good effect.The end portion of the material added to the feed inlet, a particle size of not more than 1/4 the screw diameter; from the middle of the inlet feed material, the particle size must not exceed 30 mm. To ensure that the cylinder does not produce distortion, feed temperature must be controlled below 300 ℃. Aircraft transporting abrasive materials when large leaves and chute wear is extremely serious. The screw conveyor is designed mainly used with its abrasive silica transport so not suitable for a large spiral conveyor.

horizontal screw conveyor

When the material added to the fixed slot machines, due to the gravity of the material and its role in the friction between the bays, the accumulation of material in the Wheel Loader machine does not rotate with the spirochete, but only on a rotating helical blade driven to move forward, as Turn the nut does not rotate along the translational motion of the screw for the same, to achieve the purpose of transportation of materials. The aircraft loading and unloading easy multi-point, the transportation process can be completed simultaneously mixing, stirring or cooling. Of overloading sensitive, easy to plug; crushing loss of material there, Asphalt Mixing Plant is simple in structure, easy installation and maintenance, and troubleshooting. For horizontal or slightly inclined (20 o less) continuous and uniform transport loose materials, the working environment temperature -20 - +40 ℃, conveying material temperature -20 - +80 ℃. Its speed is low relative to the vertical conveying confidential, mainly for horizontal or little inclination transportation of materials, transport distance is generally not more than 70 meters.

Vertical Screw Conveyor and Flexible Screw Conveyor

1. Vertical Screw Conveyor
The vertical Screw Conveyor spiral conveyor speed to be higher than normal, the added material in the centrifugal force, generated between the case of friction, the friction material block rotates together with the screw blade and decrease overcome the material gravity, in order to achieve vertical transport of the material. The aircraft transporting a small amount of transport height is small, high speed, high energy consumption. Particularly suitable for conveying flowable powder granular materials, mainly used to enhance the material, lifting height generally not more than eight meters.
2.Flexible Screw Conveyor
The aircraft spiral mandrel is flexible, so the transmission lines can be arranged according to need to press Concrete mixing plant. According to the arrangement of horizontal and vertical lines (large angle) length of the segment in different proportions, it works as normal or vertical screw conveyor screw conveyor design.
For transmission lines need to press the space curve arbitrary arrangement, to avoid material reproduced occasions; when too much material into the enclosure or lumps materials, spiral appreciate free float, does not produce the card blocking phenomenon; noise. Simultaneously the material is mainly used for horizontal and vertical transport. Vertical conveyor speed must be high when the general requirements not be less than 1000r/min.


Rotating spiral blade for concrete block making machine conveyor passage of the material transported, so that the material does not rotate together with the screw conveyor blade force is the material of its own weight and the frictional resistance of the material conveyor chassis. Rotating shaft screw conveyor spiral welded blades, blade face delivery of materials based on a solid surface different type, concrete batching plant, leaves and other types of face. Screw conveyor screw axis in the direction of movement of the material with the thrust bearing to the terminal with the material to spiral axial reaction force, the captain longer, should be added to intermediate hanger bearings.


PLD4800 concrete batching machine Introduction

PLD4800 concrete concrete batching plant is used on the conveyor belt loader or gravel material batching device can meet the cement silo and other equipment used in conjunction with three or more materials, and various types of mixers and other metering devices supporting the use, can be combined sake Automatic and semi-automatic mixing station, the function to effectively ensure the cement, sand, concrete mixing machine, etc. with the ratio, accuracy and use of electronic weighing system, to further improve the accuracy of weighing. Our batching machine top panel can be lowered or removed on demand, can greatly reduce the labor intensity of the feeding section, increasing the ease of construction and is ideal for all types of mixer batching devices.

concrete mixer Optional Standard Conditions

Concrete mixer devices more and more types, how to choose a suitable mixing station becomes important. Jie Li Machinery Co., Ltd., Screw Conveyor following points may refer to your choice based on: 1, production scale, based on the number and the choice of annual concrete mixer device. 2, to produce high-quality concrete, it is necessary to choose a reliable production equipment. 3, according to the construction site to determine the size of concrete mixing equipment production capacity. 4, mainly from the advanced equipment, reliability, quality and versatility aspects to consider. 5, compulsory mixer mixing quality, strong overload capacity, discharge without segregation, high production efficiency, able to adapt to a variety of performance concrete batching plant, concrete mixing equipment currently widely used compulsory mixer 6, 7 cost performance, and comprehensive the pursuit of equipment technical performance is unwise, unnecessary investment will increase, but only the pursuit of low investment in equipment technical performance and reduce the cost increase will bring such practices is not desirable.

concrete batching machine Introduction

PLD series concrete batching machine is a new batching machines for general construction sites, roads, bridges and other projects. The batching machine can Concrete mixing plant ingredients, can be directly connected to the mixer to enhance the material hopper, but also by belt conveyor splicing. The batching machine weighing system using weight control devices and sensors, the material for weighing, batching and concrete block making machine, and automatically modify the gap. The machine has a reasonable layout, compact structure, easy operation, accurate dosing, control and reliable.

concrete batching machine operation and maintenance

1, classes should be checked before Wheel Loader is in normal working condition, if any, jam and other phenomena affect weighing accuracy should be promptly removed.
2, check the electrical part of the wiring is correctly and firmly grounded electrical box enclosure is solid.
3, in operation always check whether the normal operation of the moving parts, conveyor belts without deviation, whether between the belt and the driven roller objects have fallen into, stop immediately if any abnormal condition exclusion.
4, the moving parts should bear the butter, remove the belt roller grease once a year.
5, for maintenance work on the machine, you must shut down and cut off the power.
6, batching controller should be rain, concrete block making machine, dust facilities.
7, to prevent sand, gravel mixed with steel, large rocks and other debris to prevent damage to conveyor belt.
8, in order to protect the safety of ingredients control instrument, in the big storm, thunder and other harsh weather conditions do not use, and turn off the main power and remove the sensor and the connection between the batching control device to prevent damage to the controller.
9, the power supply voltage fluctuations must be less than 5% -5.
10, at least annually according to instrument manual batching control method of standard scales weighing system calibration to ensure the accuracy of weighing.

concrete batching machine installation and testing

 1, after the arrival of collection shall be brought in accordance with the packing list inventory parts and technical documentation are concrete block machine, whether the defect inspection machine and parts.
2, the user must purchase the product according to the foundation plan to lay the foundation.
3, according to the mounting position foundation plan in place so that all agencies at the state level.
4, the whole place, fitted with sensors, concrete batching plant, said hopper, said hopper is in normal working condition.
5, check the transmission part is flexible, a bolt is loose joints
6, according to "manual batching controller" in the electrical circuit wiring installation, including: the main power cable and various motor cable, sensor cable and remote control cable.
7, for empty running test, check the motor rotation is correct.
8, according to the requirements of batching controller specification, simulation batching cycle test on a variety of materials for small weighing settings, check its ability to automatically cycle ingredients.

concrete batching machine characteristics and uses

PLD series steel cement silo is a reception with mixer automatic dispensing equipment. It can be user-designed concrete mix auto-complete sand, stone, cement and other 3-6 kinds of materials (two with concrete) ingredients procedures.
This series is in accordance with GB10172 "concrete mixing station technical conditions" in the technical standards concrete batching plant system design. The machine uses electronic weighing, computer control, digital display, wired remote operation, with accurate weighing, batching precision, high speed, the control function and other advantages, easy to just click the button every time.
This series concrete batching machine with the corresponding concrete mixer combinations, can be composed of a variety of different forms, different specifications of the combination mixing station, which cost only 1/2--1/3 mixing station with the specifications, and the move very easy to install, is the ideal spot to produce high quality concrete equipment.

concrete batching machine works

Before work by the loader (batching machine available when underground installation of artificial feeding) were supplied to each hopper sand, stone materials.
Ingredients concrete batching plant according to specification requirements, batching controller to enter the recipe (unused material must be set to 0). Press the ingredients button, batching machine began to enter the automatic batching process. It works as follows: First, start working material Ⅰ belt conveyor will feed Ⅰ transported to said hopper, said hopper feed Ⅰ when the weight reaches its set value, the material Ⅰ belt conveyor automatically stops; then open automatically feed Ⅱ belt conveyor When the weight of said material in the hopper reaches material Ⅰ, Ⅱ settings of materials and time, material Ⅱ belt conveyor stops feeding belt conveyor Ⅲ start work ...... so complete with four kinds of materials, the machine will be in a wait state . Then press the concrete block making machine, discharging belt conveyor work, with a good concrete dry material discharged into the mixer hopper. After discharge, the discharge belt conveyor automatically stops and automatically start the second cycle ingredients, the end of the second cycle ingredients, and wait for the material, and so forth

concrete batching machine structure consists of

concrete batching machine structure consists of:
The series concrete batching machine by feeding system, steel cement silo and electrical control system which has three major components.
(1) Feeding system: storage hopper and feeding device, the main function is to store the material and the control system under the control of said hopper to feed.
Feeding system in the form of: PLD800-1200 type of belt conveyor feeding;
(2) Weighing System: batching machine weighing system is a critical part of the said hopper, suspension devices and sensors weighing system, batching controller and other components.
(3) Electrical control system: Concrete mixing plant is the core component batching machine, its function is to implement the entire batching machine weighing, display, operation and complete a variety of automatic batching process. The system is mainly controlled by the dosing device and strong electrical circuit composed of two parts. Its shape structure and the use of detailed "batching controller manual."

Concrete batching machine Technical Features

· Wheel Loader, fine weighing, high precision weighing;
· Excellent performance of the load cell, weighing accuracy, stability;
· Main supporting parts are well-known brands, high reliability;
· The whole structure is reasonable, concrete mixing machine and beautiful;
· Smooth transportation, and ensure normal feeding;
· Four kinds of aggregates simultaneously weighing, measuring time is short, high efficiency;
· Belt head with gauge cover, effectively prevent spilled material;
· Tail with screw tensioning device, you can always adjust the belt tension, convenient;
· Long and sand in the sand hopper side walls are equipped with vibrators, conducive to rapid weighing and quick unloading.

concrete batching machine cylinder ingredient batching machine

Its structure is mostly upper material storage hopper, Concrete Mixing Truck capacity in order to increase more than set heightening board, the lower part of weighing hopper: All ingredients are measured under the door can be equipped with a whole bucket, so that all fit into the same material were measured bucket (cumulative measurement) can also be set up in each of the ingredients separately measured subglottic bucket (each, each material), complete metering of material from the bottom of the belt conveyor into the next part.
Cylinder ingredient formula use is way down the material gravity, so the ingredients fast for medium to large mixing station, HZS50 concrete mixing station above (F) use more.
For large batching machine, such as: Asphalt Mixing Plant, in order to shorten the time the ingredients should be adopted separately measured way.
Because batching machine's primary role is quantitative, accurate delivery of various materials, so long as the grain, bulk materials such as: gravel, coal, grain raw materials, slag, ceramic, etc. can delivery (but every single kind of material weight distribution preferably not less than 50Kg), it is also widely used in batching machine: aerated concrete bricks, light panels and other building materials industry, coal mine construction gravel Wall ingredients, chemicals configuration


concrete batching machine installation and testing

1, after the arrival of collection shall be brought in accordance with the Concrete Mixing Truck inventory parts and technical documentation are complete, whether the defect inspection machine and parts

2, the user must purchase the product according to the foundation plan to lay the foundation.

3, according to the mounting position foundation plan in place so that all agencies at the state level.

4, the whole place, fitted with sensors, remove the bolts, said hopper, said hopper is in normal working condition.

5, check the transmission part is flexible, a bolt is loose joints

6, according to "manual batching controller" in the electrical cement mixing machineinstallation, including: the main power cable and various motor cable, sensor cable and remote control cable.

7, for empty running test, check the motor rotation is correct.

8, according to the requirements of batching controller specification, simulation batching cycle test on a variety of materials for small weighing settings, check its ability to automatically cycle ingredients.

concrete batching machine characteristics and uses

PLD steel cement silo batching machine is a reception with mixer automatic

dispensing equipment. It can be user-designed concrete mix auto-complete sand,

stone, cement and other 3-6 kinds of materials (two with concrete) ingredients

This series is in accordance with GB10172 "concrete mixing station technical

conditions" in the technical standards batching system design. The machine

uses electronic weighing, computer control, digital display, wired remote

operation, with accurate weighing, batching precision, high speed, the control

function and other advantages, easy to just click the button every time.

This series concrete batching machine with the Concrete block machine concrete

mixer combinations, can be composed of a variety of different forms, different

specifications of the combination mixing station, which cost only 1/2--1/3

mixing station with the specifications, and the move very easy to install, is

the ideal spot to produce high quality concrete equipment.

concrete batching machine works

Before work by the loader (batching machine available when underground

installation of artificial feeding) were supplied to each hopper sand, stone

Ingredients control device according to specification requirements, batching

controller to enter the recipe (unused material must be set to 0). Press the

ingredients button, concrete batching plant machine began to enter the automatic

batching process. It works as follows: First, start working material Ⅰ belt conveyor

will feed Ⅰ transported to said hopper, said hopper feed Ⅰ when the weight

reaches its set value, the material Ⅰ belt conveyor automatically stops; then

open automatically feed Ⅱ belt conveyor When the weight of said material in

the hopper reaches material Ⅰ, Ⅱ settings of materials and time, material Ⅱ

belt conveyor stops feeding belt conveyor Ⅲ start work ...... so complete

with four kinds of materials, concrete mixing machine be in a wait state . Then press

the discharge button, discharging belt conveyor work, with a good concrete dry

material discharged into the mixer hopper. After discharge, the discharge belt

conveyor automatically stops and automatically start the second cycle

ingredients, the end of the second cycle ingredients, and wait for the

material, and so forth

concrete batching machine structure consists of

The series concrete batching machine by feeding system, weighing system and

electrical control system Wheel Loader three major components.
(A) Feeding system: storage hopper and feeding device, the main function is to

store the material and the control system under the control of said hopper to

Feeding system in the form of: PLD800-1200 type of belt conveyor feeding;
(2) Weighing System: batching machine weighing system is a critical part of

the said hopper, suspension devices and sensors weighing system, batching

controller and other components.
(3) Electrical control system: electrical control system is the core component

batching machine, its function is to implement the entire batching machine

weighing, display, operation andconcrete mixing machine variety of automatic batching

process. The system is mainly controlled by the dosing device and strong

electrical circuit composed of two parts. Its shape structure and the use of

detailed "batching controller manual."

Concrete batching machine Technical Features

· concrete block machine, fine weighing, high precision weighing;
· Excellent performance of the load cell, weighing accuracy, stability;
· Main supporting parts are well-known brands, high reliability;
· The whole structure is reasonable, stiffness strong and beautiful;
· Smooth transportation, and ensure normal feeding;
· Four kinds of aggregates simultaneously weighing, measuring time is short,

high efficiency;
· Belt head with gauge cover, effectively prevent spilled material;
· Tail with screw tensioning device, you concrete batching plant adjust the belt tension,

· Long and sand in the sand hopper side walls are equipped with vibrators,

conducive to rapid weighing and quick unloading.

concrete batching machine cylinder ingredient batching machine

Its structure is mostly upper concrete batching plant storage hopper, material storage capacity in order to increase more than set heightening board, the lower part of weighing hopper: All ingredients are measured under the door can be equipped with a whole bucket, so that all fit into the same material were measured bucket (cumulative measurement) can also be set up in each of the ingredients separately measured subglottic bucket (each, each material), complete metering of material from the bottom of the belt conveyor into the next part.
Cylinder ingredient formula use is way down the material gravity, so the ingredients fast for medium to large mixing station, HZS50 concrete mixing station above (F) use more.
For large batching machine, such as: PL3200 or more, in order to shorten the time the ingredients should be adopted separately measured way.
Because batching machine's primary role is quantitative, accurate delivery of various materials, so long as the grain, bulk materials such as: gravel, coal, grain raw materials, slag, Concrete block machine etc. can delivery (but every single kind of material weight distribution preferably not less than 50Kg), it is also widely used in batching machine: aerated concrete bricks, light panels and other building materials industry, coal mine construction gravel Wall ingredients, chemicals configuration

Concrete batching machine belt batching formula:

Its structure is mostly upper Asphalt Mixing Plant storage hopper, the lower part weighing hopper, bottom discharge conveyor belt, hopper with raw materials to be used for storage, storage hopper bottom port conveyor belt under the Founder right ingredients. The principle: the ingredients begin, start with a belt conveyor hopper to the set value in raw material belt is stopped, and then under the control of the control instruments, followed by configuration of several materials to all materials configured, instrumentation control will start unloading belt material into the next part (such as blenders enhance bucket or belt conveyor, etc.)
Multi-belt ingredient for small and steel cement silo sized construction site, because of its smaller base materials such as sand PL800 with 500Kg, press ≤ ± 2% error count, absolute error within the 0 ~ 20Kg, so as to further improve the batching accuracy, reduce errors value without compromising the efficiency of delivery, the ingredients can be slow, fast discharge mode. Error can be controlled within the 0 ~ 5Kg.
Users use such batching machine in order to reduce procurement costs, and more hope to borrow metering hopper batching machine to simultaneously measure bulk cement, cement screw conveyor through the cement into the cement silo batching machine weighing hopper, generally do not advocate this usage, Because cement fluidity, will cause the conveyor belt weighing hopper mouth with a small amount of cement gap overflow, causing loss of live or cement dust pollution, such as have to use this method you must use Groove belt roller and bucket lip additional soft thin wall in order to control the cement spill.

Concrete batching machine cumulative measurement

Refers to a variety of materials were in the same Concrete Mixing Truck bucket were successively measured by the measuring instrument to set each type of material value of the order with meter, similar to the same scales, said first pound of beans in the said half a catty of rice the same.
Dosing time, the electrical control signal is issued to stop dosing instructions to the materials actually fall weighing hopper during the set value (amount in advance) and the actual value of the difference, so batching machine at work by a control instrument in the material reaches the actual value of the advance a stop signal, the signal after the Cement silo this part of the material called gap.
Namely: the actual number - set number = gap (this gap batching machine instrument can automatically correct)
Tare (zero)
Any measuring instruments are based on a measurement of the initial reference point measurement, the reference point can be temporal scales when the zero-value point, it can be empty scale time zero data points (such as the hopper a residual material or accumulated measured the former type of material the actual value), this non-zero data points can be controlled via the instrument manually or automatically considered next measured zero (initial reference point)

Concrete batching machine Introduction

Also known as: concrete mixing machine batching machine, batching machines, automatic batching machine gravel
Batching machine is a kind used for a variety of materials such as: Sand quantitative distribution automation equipment, mainly used in concrete construction industry as an alternative to artificial scales or volume measurement, etc., with high accuracy, and distribution efficiency, high degree of automation characteristics, is fully automatic concrete mixing station equipment is one of the main parts. Concrete mixing plant batching machine is entirely based on market demand from the domestic manufacturers create their own independent product variety, with continuous improvement has formed multi-family, multi-species, multi-purpose stand-alone product system, main categories:
1 divided by the number of graded material: two bucket, three bucket, four bucket

2 Press the matching mixer model is divided into: PL (D) 800,1200,1600,2400,3200
3 Press dosing divided into: the accumulation of materials are measured separately measure each material
4 Press batching control methods are divided into: a belt, cylinder

JZ type concrete mixer mixing power calculation

JZ type bipyramid reversal discharging concrete mixer with vintage drum drum mixer phase

Ratio, due to its mixing tube, the structure, layout and mixer blades are steel cement silo

Had changed dramatically, so the stirring power calculation can not continue to follow the drum cartridge

Calculation of the mixer. This paper from the characteristics of JZ type mixer,

From motion analysis and stress analysis to proceed, according to the concrete rheological equation,

This type mixer mixing power Concrete block machine model, and verified by an example. 1

Mixing process in motion analysis of concrete cone near the end of the feed tube

Inner wall of the symmetrical arrangement of a pair of lower blades and a pair of high blades. These two sets of leaves

Tablets and cylinder axis points
Do not become Α,-Α angle welded to the cylinder on. While stirring them with a cylinder

Starting rotation. In the mixing of concrete, the low part of the blade of the concrete mix

A higher position to the cylinder material. Then under its own weight, this part of the mixed

Aggregate material falling down, some of which fell in the lower position is high

Blade. Some of these mixing compound in the cylinder body splash, while others follow

High blade axis direction toward the cylinder near the end of the discharge cone movement.

JZ type concrete mixers and the transmission part of the design overall summary

In order to adapt to different mixing Wheel Loader, mixer developed many models, the

First, the design of concrete mixer for selection, by comparing the final confirmation

Be selected from the drop-cone reversal discharging mixer. After selection of the mixer

The transmission part of the design concrete block machine, first through the design of the mixing tube meter

Operators identified stirring power, select the motor, reducer after design, which is

This design is an important part in the design of the gear unit, reference materials

, According to the design of the mixer step of calculating each of the components designed reducer

, After the completion of the cement mixing machine reducer, right outside of the mixing tube large open gears

Design calculations, it is the difficulty of this design, because the gear ratio

Large, need a good solution to this problem in order to finalize the mixer

Transmission part of the design, and then choose the appropriate section of the drive shaft coupling

Connect various devices to complete the transmission part of the design, the material on the upper portion

Of a simple design, the final synthesis of the overall unit concrete mixer



Block making machine advantages:

First, change the domestic gear stripping practices, the use of pulleys, chain sprockets release, so simple, durable, safe and reliable, easy maintenance, no gearbox leakage and save power, stripping equipped with power only 1.1 kw.
Second, in addition to the rack itself and the whole suspension parts are connected using springs, shock not only to achieve the molding pressure head, mold box, pallet mold core and the vibration of the four-pronged approach to ensure that the products of high density and uniformity, and smooth running, low noise, to achieve a good damping effect.
Third, the pressure head longitudinally movable, easy feeding, maintenance and flushing, and pressure head drop distance is small, only 20mm, while the presser foot and the box, the core gap is small, no large block flash; hand on the box core damage less .
Four, easy mold replacement, through the replacement of mold can produce 240,140,115, standard bricks and other various specifications of the blocks and curbs, also based on user requirements of various shaped mold.
Five, bottom wooden pallet with boxes in the molding core synchronous resonance, without impact, and thus life wood pallets for similar products more than doubled.