
Conveyor tired methods

A conveyor belt in the transport and storage, should be kept clean to avoid direct sunlight, rain and snow Baptist leaching, prevent acids, Wheel Loader, oils, organic solvents and other substances affecting the quality of rubber contact and one meter away from the heating device.
Second, when the warehouse storage temperature should be kept at -15 ℃ - +40 ℃, relative humidity should be maintained between 50-80%.
Third, the storage of conveyor rolls must be placed, Bolted Type Cement Silo, turning once during placement shall be on a quarterly basis.
Fourth, the conveyor belt speed should not exceed 5.0 m / sec, transport large blocks, abrasive materials and the use of a large fixed plow unloader device should maximize the use of low-speed. Beyond the prescribed speed, will affect the life of the tape.
Five, to reduce the impact of materials and wear on the tape, the tape feeding direction should shun the running direction; materials fall into the gap on the tape should be minimized; mouth should avoid feeding roller or rollers just above; tape by feed section should be shortened idler spacing and buffering measures taken. To prevent scratch tape, stop feeding device scraper cleaning device and unloading device and the contact portion of the tape should be appropriate hardness of the rubber sheet, do not use fabric layer sandwiched tape head.

