
brick residential building

According to the traditional construction and usage, brick machinery developed series of products, its block-shaped design fully consider the construction environment, conditions and habits, with a light weight, cut cut, etc., and, like the traditional brick construction, doubling the efficiency and greatly reduce the labor intensity, but also saves mortar and other auxiliary materials. Adjustment formula, can produce 15 to 150 series of products for a variety of building wall, not a brick, brick residential buildings can be constructed, therefore, Concrete Mixing Truck rural market is the most competitive wall timber. Office of unburned brick this project benefits the country itself is a Government advocate to support environmental projects, comply with the national industrial policy. Each local government to do all brick construction commission and issued a mandate to support the new wall materials factory. Secondly, the use of mechanical technical superiority, steel cement silo standard products, fully inspection departments through supervision and inspection machinery also offers a variety of national tax policy documents and software support. So, by government departments to assist in the promotion, can occupy the local wall materials market, and ultimately out of clay bricks.

