
Recycling of construction waste

Has a very large number of construction waste can recycling rate characteristics, so after reasonable technical processing, resource utilization can be achieved. As science and technology continue to improve, in the construction of waste treatment technology has been very mature.Concrete mixing plant that construction waste is concentrated recovered by construction waste disposal equipment mobile crushing station and gravel production line, brick-making machines and other processing, construction waste can be fully realized production of environmentally friendly bricks. Construction waste disposal equipment - mobile crusher station, Yifan Machinery mobile crushing plant which is the core of construction waste crushing equipment, development and production of ring mobile construction waste crushing plant, is feeding, conveying, crushing , broken, crushing, screening, dust and other technologies for the integration of highly integrated, modular crushing outfit. steel cement silo high frequency shock, high-speed projectile, magnetic separation, gravity separation and other methods, as well as overflow waterfall lock feed air flow can be adjusted independent patent and other environmental technologies, realized the transportation, construction waste recycling, nor dust pollution, small footprint, achieve a highly efficient, energy saving, environmental protection, good results.

