
brick-making technology and equipment

Fly ash, coal slag, tailings, gypsum, lime sand, brick construction waste and other technology and equipment; boiler, autoclave and maintenance facilities; crushing, grinding, weighing and batching, steel cement silo,  press, transportation, carrying machinery; palletizing, packaging machinery; construction waste
disposal equipment;
Class brick sintering technology and equipment: shale, coal gangue, fly ash, tailings and other complete sets of technology and equipment, brick; ceramic bricks, hollow glass brick, decorative bricks production technology and equipment; kilns, kiln furniture, refractory materials and combustion systems;
hydraulic pressure, vibration, extrusion molding machine and molds;
Concrete Mixing Truck and strip production technology and equipment: foam, steam curing equipment, weighing and batching system, forming and cutting machinery, molds, packaging and delivery device.

